Scriptural discipline administered through trustworthy people, delivered in loving kindness, keeps you from joining an uncivilized crowd of rebellious law-breakers that seeks to destroy you, and cause …
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Discipline in the scriptures doesn't deprive you of anything. It safe-guards you from making bad decisions that leads you into many dangerous activities. …
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Be A Good Parent, because holding love in your heart for your child, shows your greatest desire is to love, protect and encourage them to become their best in life and express caring concern toward …
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Good discipline, is given with loving concern for the children’s physical, emotional and spiritual welfare it is admonished in a firm voice, but without any hardness, or harshness, but it is given in …
E-book Quote-1
Children are the joy of life, the source of delight, pride and hopefully soul-satisfaction from their good choices in their life.” …